Saturday, March 6, 2010

Foreign affairs.

The title of a harlequin romance?

Right now, it is more of tragedy.

Going away on vacations with five of my favorite people in the world, but because I do not own an ipod or any fancy gizmos like that, I won't have access to my favorite music. It might seem strange that a successful cobbler in the fast-paced fashion industry of Toronto doesn't have a simple working mp3 player. Actually, I don't own much of anything (especially socks).

What do you do when music isn't available?

Peeps keep telling me Havana is the shizzle. But ain't no Pitchfork in Havana, at least not for me. I'm expected to enjoy the architecture, lie around in the sun, play volleyball and get yelled at by the lifeguard for getting sand in her hair, without Empire of the Sun. It's not humane.

It's lucky that Cuba has some of the best music in the world (in a week and a half, I will have the best Cuban music post for all of y'all).

I will miss all three of you, my readers. Try to make it without me. Day by day. Hour by hour.

Also, be careful about those diets. Last time I did a detox, my body was craving red meat so badly that I sleepwalked (sp? word?) into the living room at night and ate my pet hamster.

At least I ate him raw. That's something specialty diet related, right?

Until next week, peace.

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
A man of mystery and science.


World History