Washing dishes makes me feel like the proletariat.
My natural... nay... instinctual tendency towards socialism fits very nicely with my attraction to art.
Especially art made by humans. We humans are great at influencing each other*.
I love propaganda because it is one of the most sincere forms of art. It doesn't pretend to hide what it is. It isn't a metaphor for anything else. It just tells you what it wants to tell you.
Uncle Sam wants YOU to sell crack to minorities.
Vietnam and Cuba are tied for the places I've been with the most indoctrinart, but I hear that Ireland's murals could be the mother load.
Many of these countries have found great ways of commercializing the unique artform. One of the best places to buy good quality prints of classic Vietnamese indoctrinart is Dogma Vietnam.
Song of the day: mashup of Rihanna and RATM!
*Buy a Big Mak from MickDonalds today!
weird, I'm hungry for McDonald's AND crack now...